1977  Uraloclymenia Bogoslovskii: 50.
     1981  Uraloclymenia.-Bogoslovskii: 51.
     1989  Borkowia Czarnocki: 38.
     2002  Uraloclymenia.-Korn & Klug: 227.

Type species: Uraloclymenia volkovi Bogoslovskii, 1977, p.50 [OD].

A:   Conch form lenticular, umbilicus narrow.
C:   Usually no ribs.
D:   No constrictions.
G:   Suture line with shallow, very broad ventral lobe, shallowly rounded lateral lobe, inconspicuous umbilical lobe inside of the
umbilical seam, and internal lobe.

[Borkowia differs in having weak internal thickenings on flanks, regarded herein not as of generic significance].

Fig. TAX4089 A, G: U. latumbilicata; B, E: *U. volkovi; C, F: U. kazakhstanica; D: U. nodosa.

[BOGOSLOVSKIY 1981, p.51: Conch thickly discoidal, averagely involute; umbilicus moderately
narrow or middle sized.  Whorls wide, width and height approximately equal; sides slightly
convex, weakly parting to the outside, smoothly going over to the wide, rounded venter.  Shell
surface smooth, covered by thin growth lines, which form a slight  lateral and deeper ventral
sinus.  Suture line forms a ventral, an umbilical and a dorsal lobe.  Ventral and umbilical lobes wide but not deep and rounded;  dorsal lobe deeper, wide, funnel shaped.]