1971  Quasicravenoceras Ruzhencev & Bogoslovskaya: 279.

Type species: Quasicravenoceras consuetum Ruzhencev & Bogoslovskaya, 1971, p.279 [OD].

A:   Conch form relatively involute, umbilicus narrow.
B:   Sculpture consisting of distinct lamellae, sometimes thickened to little riblets.
F:   Some longitudinal lirae may be present at umbilical ridge.
D:   Constrictions weak on shell surface, but strong and deep on steinkern.

[Ruzhentsev & Bogoslovskaia, 1971, p.279: Conch not very large, from subdiscoidal to
pachycone.  Whorls from moderately to very involute.  Umbilicus from medium size to
tight and normally stair-like.  Sculpture consists of sharp lamella which sometimes
look like thin ribs, and of single lirae near the umbilical rim.  Constrictions on the
outer surface are quite weak;  on the steinkern they are wider and deeper, practically
straight and radial.  Ventral lobe is not very thin.  Its sides part from each other.  
Height of medial saddle is less than half of the height of the whole lobe.  Evolution
went generally in the direction of diminishing the size of the shell and making it more