1929  Thalassoceras (Prothalassoceras) Smith: 76.
     1934  Uralites Voinova: 3 (nom. nud.).
pt. 1937  Prothalassoceras.- Plummer & Scott: 352.
     1940  Aristoceras Ruzhentsev: 524.
     1940  Eothalassoceras.- Miller & Furnish: 105.
     1950  Aristoceras.- Ruzhentsev: 98.
     1957  Eothalassoceras.- Treatise: 69.
     1960  Aristoceras.- Ruzhentsev: 206.
     1962  Aristoceras.- Osnovy: 370.
     2002  Aristoceras.-Leonova: S41.

Type species: Aristoceras chkalovi Ruzhentsev, 1940, p. 526 [OD].

A:   Conch form discoidal, with narrow or closed umbilicus, ventrally flattened. Coarse sinuous growth lamellae,
       with deep ventral sinus and narrow ventrolateral salient.
D:   Constrictions may be present.
E:   Two ventrolateral grooves present.
G:   Serration irregular, restricted to the base of prongs of ventral lobe, adventitious and lateral lobes.

[For discussion see RUZHENTSEV, 1950, p.98].